I blame Fred Greenslade for all the time I don’t have to fly-fish and hunt; for all the time I don’t have to read my growing stack of books, and for the all the time I don’t have to pursue an adequate social life.
Fred is Delta Waterfowl’s award-winning photographer, genius webmaster and my good, good buddy.
He works long, long hours for Delta, doing many, many things, including bugging the *&#$ out of me on occasion.
“You should start a blog,” he emailed several months back, his first salvo in a carpet-bombing campaign to steal away what remains of my already-limited free time. “You’d like it. God knows you have a lot to say. Besides, it would be fun. You need to do this.”
I didn’t respond. I thought he was nuts, insane, mad. Another crazy Canadian, I mused. Way too much on my plate already. Too many “opportunities.” Start writing a blog? Fo’get about it.
A few days later another email popped happily into my inbox, the subject line of which read: Blog. I spiked it. Then the voicemails started: “Hey man, about that blog…”